HostBlast Review: What really happens after you sign up?

HostBlast review


This HostBlast review will give you a clear overview regarding hosting reeaaally cheap hosting.

$0.50/month unlimited hosting, how cheap?

I signed up for a “platinum plan” for just $2/month. Why not?

So, this HostBlast review is based on my experience.

You want really cheap but good hosting with world class customer support?

I also share with you a hosting alternative that will blow your mind.

Hostblast review basis

I’ve read a couple of customer HostBlast reviews online.

Some of them are genuine but some look to be self-promotion.

My hostblast review is based on the following services:

  • Server uptime
  • Customer support

What is the better way to review a service than looking at “the bad” vs “the good”?

So without wasting another minute, let’s quickly dive into the pros and cons of HostBlast hosting services.

Pros of HostBlast hosting

So here’re the benefits of hosting with

1. Really really cheap hosting.

There’s no doubt, this is by far the cheapest hosting plans you can find.

2. No up-sells.

Unlike other providers such as, doesn’t throw stuff at you to buy. Checkout is pretty clean and straight forward, no BS.

3. Supports Paypal.

Now this means you’re protected by Paypal which is a big deal because you can file a refund via Paypal if the service isn’t delivered to you.

4. cPanel

I have hosted with other providers like that have a custom control panel. Oh boy… you spend a lot of time trying to understand the new control panel. HostBlast gives you the usual cPanel you’re already used to so you don’t waste time.

Cons of HostBlast hosting

1. Extremely High server down time

You saw that 99.9% uptime guarantee?

That is not what you exactly get when you pay

Your website will go off.

Now I’ve read some reviews of customers who’re happy with server uptime.

Here’s what is happening.

You think you’re website is on at all times because each time you visit it yourself you find it available.

Here’s what I did.

I added my website that is hosted on HostBlast to pingdom and let pingdom do the monitoring.

The results?

16 hours of downtime!

That is not all.

2. The WORST customer support ever!

So, because my website is offline I try to contact them via chat.


All chat departments are offline.

Well, so I decide to open a support ticket.

After a day (over 24 hours), I receive a reply.

3. They’re always restarting or updating their servers

This is the kind of response you can expect when you demand an explanation from a tech rep.

4. Your purchase may take hours to be approved.

So you’ll see pending on the hosting service you just purchased until like the next day.

Do not panic.

There’s a system upgrade. After which your account will then be activated 🙂

My Experience with HostBlast hosting

Well, as you can see my experience with HostBlast hasn’t been good. And that is exactly why I decided to write a comprehensive HostBlast review to give others that may be interested in the services an overview.

I didn’t know this until I decided to host this blog with them.

At first, I hosted a website with them, that I almost never cared about.

I never monitored it, I’d take weeks to visit it and everything seemed okay.

And if you asked for my opinion back then, I would have said they’re great.

It was until recently, when I decided to host a hobby blog that I’ve got to understand what in the world is happening.

I would wake up to write a post only to find my website unreachable.

So I’d just go back to bed, quite unhappy. I have a reason to go back to bed 😉

At some point I caught my website files removed red handed.

I freaked out!

I couldn’t log into cPanel either.

So I opened up a support ticket.

Now this one amused me.

After receiving a relatively quick reply.

I refreshed and bang, the website was back on.

In my mind, I thought to myself.

Was s/he playing around with files and thought I was not going to visit the website at that point in time?

Could they have been migrating?



I’d setup a auto backup so I could restore my website.

Now some people will say you get what you pay for.

I quite disagree with this popular belief.

Because you can as well get crappy services even when you’re paying high.

The only difference is, when you pay high you have the guts to yell on top of your voice because of your high expectations.

When you pay pennies, you’re a bit embarrassed 🙂

However, after giving my blog a second thought.

I decided to pack my bags and migrate.

It was time to move. lol

What I did (A cheap alternative)

So I looked around for yet another cheap hosting.

Guess what?

Namecheap actually gives you a shared hosting for as low as $30.55 per year.

That is $2.88 per month.

Namecheap shared hosting pricing

What an amazing deal! Sign up for Namecheap web hosting for a great price. To sweeten the deal, we’ll throw in a free .website domain and free WhoisGuard to help get you started. If you already have a website with another provider, we’ll help you move it to Namecheap for free.

I always saw this but didn’t take a closer look.

I was blinded because I am used to /month hosting plans.

Yet this is /year.

You might say, but Daniel that is just for the first year but you pay more thereafter.

Well, you’re right.

But let’s break it down a little bit.

Renewal price is $30.88/year.

Which is $2.88 per month.

This is still wayyy too cheap, it is like an introductory price for most of the popular hosting providers.

Plus here’s what you get on the “Value” hosting plan from Namecheap.

    • 20GB SSD-Accelerated Disk Space
    • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Up to 3 websites

The most amazing part of this is, you get the true 24/7 support.

I’ve started tracking uptime report for Namecheap, so far so good.

I shall be posting the report after at least a 30 days period has elapsed.

BTW, I went for a shared hosting plan because I can quickly whoop up a WordPress website in minutes. Learn how you too can launch WordPress websites on a shared hosting.

FYI, They’ve also got EasyWP for WordPress managed hosting. Read about EasyWP Review here

And here is what you get with EasyWP from Namecheap.

  • Quick WordPress setup
  • WordPress website
  • 5GB of SSD Storage
  • Easy backups
  • 24/7/365 Support from Namecheap’s Customer Service Team

EasyWPBETA for just $8.88 for the first year.

Read EasyWP comprehensive Review by clicking here

Over to you

If you looked around the web, you may have come across some positive HostBlast reviews.

However, this HostBlast review is entirely based on my personal experience.

If you have a similar or different experience, I’d so much appreciate reading from you.

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Picture of Daniel Emunot

Daniel Emunot

Over 5 years ago, I had no idea on how to use WordPress. Now I professionally build websites for my clients using WordPress. Over the past years I have gained experience and therefore, I spend my spare time writing articles that help beginners skip the Jibber Jabber and quickly start launching websites in the shortest time possible.

26 thoughts on “HostBlast Review: What really happens after you sign up?”

  1. Haha, thank you for your detailed report. I am having a huge issue with these friends. NetBlast will be used just for testing purposes. Unfucking believable: 24hours server downtime. I do not, DO NOT recommend it for anyone who cares about his site reputation and resources availability.

  2. Daniel Emunot is one of employees works for NameCheap. His job is to fill the internet with bad reviews about hostblast. All screenshots provided in his review is totally fake and we can assure that. The domain name is also run by Namecheap as seen on WHOIS output below.

    Registrar Info

    Anyone can also understand that why they are balantaly promoting Namecheap inside the bad review.

    We also noted that he is writing bad reviews changing the name. We know we’re a big good slap for very expensive web hosting providers but we will never give up providing our services maintaining the good quality.

    We also know our loyal clients will not be fooled by such fake reviews and they can always try our service for 30 days and request a refund within 30 days if not satisfied.

    Anyone can see our demo with the link below to test the speed of our servers and the features we offer for our clients.

    User: hostdemo
    Password: Demo@123

    We acknowledge that there has been a delay in responding to support tickets for past few weeks as mentioned in few bad reviews below as we get many support requests a day due to the rapid growth of our sales. However, we have expanded our support team to provide you with the best experience now.

    Thank you very much for anyone reading this.


    1. Well, I understand how much you would want to defend your company but at least you wouldn’t want to do it with lies.

      To say that I am a Namecheap employee ( I wish I was) without proof is not only a lie but also to find an excuse for your poor services.

      This website was hosted on your servers (Premium account) but as you can see from the screenshots in this review, my website downtime was not only poor but horrible. I then sought for an alternative, that is when I happened to discover Namecheap. I then moved my website to Namecheap.

      Server uptime is a very important aspect. When people test your servers using the test address you provided and find everything smooth that doesn’t guarantee that when they choose to host with Hostblast their website will be online at all times.

      My recommendation is; First, improve your server uptime because it makes no point for customers to host their websites with you for only their website to be offline. Secondly, provide true online support 24/7 (as you claim) even if this will add an extra dollars to your packages – it’s worth it. Low affordable prices isn’t everything!

      Hostblast.Net, when you improve your services, I will be happy to test them out and only when I find them better will I update this review.

  3. These claims sound too funny or are these as a result of the time when you wrote this article?

    I have used Hostblast for several of my clients and they have never complained and I also use the same host for my principal website.

    their web hosting services is quite perfect and their customer support is unique.

    I also have sold over five hosting packages through my afiliate link and all are working as well and we have not had any issues.

    I suppose what the commenter above said was true.

    Do not dispute the good web hosting company for some reasons you do not understand I suppose you check again before you speak of it again.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts, Blograbbit!

      However, I would love to see screenshots to prove your assumptions especially as regards to the server uptime.

      Here’s the thing; some people don’t monitor their website uptime and performance, unless you do so, you will never know whether or not your website is actually online at all times.

      Otherwise, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  4. Slow servers, no customer support. Big scame go away they are scamer, dont host your website on dont trust them. Very very big scam

    1. It’s unfortunate that you feel that way. Just as you can see from this review, I don’t recommend Hostblast either. Anyone who’s serious with their website should stay away from this hosting prover!

  5. Hi, thanks for the post, but was to late for me.
    As a hostblast customer just since last week, and the last monday (august 12) i can report the server went down, and still were down for about a week (not funny), just about friday the service finally is up.
    Well now is funny now but doesn’t at that time.
    And the chat is alway busy or offline, i have to wait about 1 day to have a response and some times my tickets were deleted 🙁

  6. Hey Daniel

    How are you doing?

    I just got off a review about hostblast not quite long ago and I thought you should know about this.

    Hostblast has been very bad recently and I will not give them any positive reviews this time.

    This is the worst web hosting company I have ever worked with and worst of all is the fact that they still withheld my cash till now and their customer support refused to pay me the lost money on a very bad hosting services from them.

    Thank God I saved myself and my client a whole lot of shit.

    Currently I am hosting with Namecheap and the experience has never been any better.

    I love namecheap and thanks for recommending them.

    Here is the link to my review as I would want everyone to read this and know what hostblast is up to.

      1. I have a hosting gold plan with hostblast ( and when I type in my domain name someone else’s web page (creative photography by wego photography) is coming up.I told them about this and all they said is it is working fine.
        But it is not working, and the problem is continuing all the time.


  7. Let me write my review about the HostBlast service.

    They have very bad support, with a lot of DNS problems and they even care about how to help the customer to solve the problem.

    Basically will be a waste of time and money to use HostBlast services.

  8. Hostblast has not responded to my suppor ticket for the past 13 days.
    I was never even able to connect to my hosting package to upload a website…
    They just took the money and they ignore you afterwards.
    Now I can’t register the domain ( anywhere else, it is damaging my small business here so I have to warn anyone who thinks of registering with them, DON’T…

  9. Fed-Up With HostBlast

    One of my sites is working but the other one is down. I decided to open a ticket but the HostBlast ticket submission page says that it’s being upgraded and to come back in 30 minutes. Four hours later same message–garbage.

    I guess they won’t even allow people to open a ticket now. I will start pinging my sites for downtime.


    All of of a sudden my websites just went down. Upon checking the Cpanel I found out that they had deleted my site files including the databases. I opened tickets but the support would repeatedly say they are working on my issue. After a month of frustation I decided to sign up for another hosting service.

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